Our Projects:

Old Governor’s Mansion

About this project

Dyer Construction was entrusted with the project of bringing the exterior of the Old Governor’s Mansion back to life. We were asked to replicate or repair and paint all existing shutters for the building. Also, we were tasked with giving the building a major facelift and rejuvenation of the aged and faded exterior. In coordination with Evergreene Architectural Arts, we used a technique known as limewashing. This technique dates to ancient Roman times and continues to be used today to give a finish that has an almost chalky look to it and feels soft to the touch. The mixture was originally made of crushed limestone thinned with water and mixed with various natural pigments to achieve the desired color. Thankfully, there are products that make applying this technique today much easier than in the past. The biggest drawback for the Mansion was the scaffolding that covered the entirety of the building throughout this project; minor inconvenience for the outstanding results to reflect the color and look that the Old Governor’s Mansion has been long recognized.